
by Kirill Sidorov

Books & Reference


Directory to the description mushrooms

The appendix contains a description of fungi.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Useful information

F Ahmad

Добре, що є українською.

Andriy Viyt

good informative

rey somera

Оправи се приложението дяволската гьба е ОТРОВНА! Не и е мястото в папка Годни зк консумация...

Iliyan Yanev

Not very useful

Miriam M

Those mushrooms are yummy tasty and delicious

Cody Santiago

Well informative book

Rev.Richard Ahrens

Photos are beautiful

Tony Neale

Very cool app

Vesna D.B.

This is like an encyclopedia.. Like it as the first book/app for mushroom..

Lenny Romauli